Friday, February 26, 2010

"I wish I was a little bit taller..."

CAPES [something empowering] Don't tell people "I don't have time", because what they'll hear is that you're not willing to make time for them.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] one word: jeggings. I want them.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] A well-known counselor in NY, before asking his patients what they've come in to see him for, asks how many hours of sleep they are getting at night. If the number is below 8, he sends them home prescribing them with 6-months of sleeping 8-hours per night, bids them goodbye, and tells them to come back if that doesn't fix their problems. I find this interesting. If I can sleep off my problems, then I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hmmm, brownies.

CAPES [something empowering] I'm a fairly grounded person and don't mind being strong for others when they need a friend. However, there are times when I need someone to be strong for me. And that's okay, because just like an athlete needs a break from their weekly training...having others hold me up helps me recuperate. Without recuperation, muscles break down...and so does Annie.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] Hancock's is right, they are the best.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] Does anyone else miss the show Alias? I do. I also miss Dolphin Cove, Kids INC, Hangin with Mr. Cooper and A Different World...just to name a few.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The problem with time is that it always runs out.

CAPES [something empowering] The problem with time is that sometimes it heals and sometimes it hurts. But it always runs out. More often than not, I spend too much time in the hurt when what I really need to do is move on to heal. Spend your time wisely.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] Gnocchi: boiled, then rolled in olive oil. Bake for 15 minutes at 425, the serve with a cream sauce or pesto. Crispy on the outside, doughy on the inside. Yum.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] In writing a grad paper on the Penal Substitution model of atonement, I inserted a personal story about my momma that I'd like to share. Enjoy:
Like most kids when they’re young, I would ask my mom random questions. I will never forget a particular question that I once asked her. And what’s more - I will never forget her response. I asked my mom: “Mom, what if a stranger came and grabbed me from the front yard while I was playing. What would you do?” Her response: “Well, Annie, I would run as fast as I could after them, and beat them up until they gave you back to me where you belong.” At hearing this, I remember being filled with two emotions: amazement and assurance. I was amazed at the fact that my mom would run (for in all her years as my mom, I’d never seen her run) and more importantly, I was assured by her unconditional love for me. Never in my mind, not then as a child and not now reflecting back, did I regard her motives to hurt the stranger as evil. Her motive, even if it did include an act of violence to get me back, was grounded in love. And in that love, there is no room for evil.
[and this is how I tied it into the paper]
Is this not the same story we find when we approach the cross and atonement? When we think of the cross in light of Penal Substitution, we should not be left with the sense of violence, but of love.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

the best of what's around.

CAPES [something empowering] "V" is for Victory, not Victim. Think about it.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] I've done the homework. These chips are the best. No doubt.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] It's nice to miss someone. And it's nice to be missed back. I love getting and sending texts/emails that simply ask "remember when [fill in the blank]..." As of late, my favorite has to be "remember stalking those senior guys when we were in 7th grade? we were so cool." Yes we were, Julie.
And I still know his phone number, do you?

Monday, February 8, 2010

save yourself a buck and forget the carnations.

CAPES [something empowering] I like to replay conversations that I've had throughout the day. During the
re-runs, I often find miscommunications... things I've said that were probably taken the wrong way. This knowledge gives me an opportunity to straighten things out. But more often than not, during the re-runs I find times where I should have practiced more restraint. Take the time to be intentional about what you say...and what's even harder: take the time to learn to practice not saying something that you'll later on regret.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] There's never a time that I hate carnations more than when Valentine's Day rolls around. If I could extinct one flower, the carnation would be it. I'm convinced it's a weed. It you want to be cheap, it's better to buy no flowers than to buy carnations. Consider yourself warned.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] I hate frisbee. Somehow, it's already sprinter (spring+winter) in Seattle, and with that spring weather...out come the 'bees. I admittedly stereotype people with frisbees - they are usually lanky, don vintage t-shirts, carry a nalgene or two, wear chaco sandals, and have their bibles-a-packing (usually duct-taped together). And please don't hear what I'm not saying - I don't hate the people that love frisbee, I just find the activity annoying. So, who wants to toss the football around? I've got 2 in my trunk.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The best offense is a good defense.

CAPES [something empowering]
Ladies: admit it, you like to be in control. However, when it comes to relationships, you might realize that in the long run it's nice to relinquish some of that control (easier said than done, I know). But just because you may not be the one calling the shots or "running the ball", keep in mind that the best offense is a good other words, relationships are never one-side and balance is key. So let it go already.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] TJs has a delicious new salad! I'm on day 3 of having it for dinner, and plan to make tomorrow day 4. The picture doesn't do it justice...especially since it was taken after said salad was consumed.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] People associate me with my Dutch heritage. Therefore, I receive Dutch stickers, Holland mugs, Netherlands coffee, Dutch chips, and I also get set up on blind dates by my Grandma with underage 100% Dutch men (and yes, it was at her nursing home, and yes he brought his mom and sister with him), as well as receive emails saying how now Wednesdays at Butler University mean wearing orange and blue. Keep it coming, people! Hup Holland Hup!

Monday, February 1, 2010

"Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements...even if it leads nowhere?" (Adele)

CAPES [something empowering] Relationships are always risky. Do yourself a favor and ask the question - "Is it worth the risk?". If you can't answer "yes", then you should question what it is you're exactly doing in that relationship in the first place.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction]: I love shoes. These topsiders are my new favorite. They'll be great for spring/summer, but I'm already breaking them in cause I can't wait that long.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] I feel like my best ideas come to me when I'm driving or brushing my teeth. Dry erase markers help me put these ideas into action. Besides whiteboards, here are some alternate uses: keep them in your car to write things down on your windshield that you MUST NOT FORGET (like people to call, places to go, etc). Another car use: while you're driving around town, and happen to see a familiar friend's car, you can write them a fun note on their driver's side window, just to let them know you were in the area and thinking of them. They are also handy for your bathroom mirror - write either empowering messages to yourself, reminders, or grocery lists, etc. Happy brainstorming!