Friday, May 18, 2012

I have come to see all things in the color orange.

CAPES [something empowering] 860 reminded me today that "God's timing is perfect."  I needed to hear that.  And maybe you did too.  

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction]
  The scuba hoodie from Lululemon is one of my favorite articles of clothing.  One morning this past March, I saw an orange hoodie (ORANGE!!) online.  After day dreaming about it all day, I decided I would buy it for myself as a "happy birthday to me" present.  But, it had already sold out completely in the US.  Did that stop my birthday wish?  No way jose.  I tracked one down in some providence Canada that I cannot pronounce, had it shipped to a friend that lives in BC, and then paid her to ship it to me.  Worth the hassle?  Every penny. 

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] One of my favorite pieces of furniture is my Grandpa Harvey's old butcher table.  It was distressed before distressed tables were hip and cool.    

1 comment:

  1. Second blog in 5 minutes where I read "God's timing is perfect"

    Maybe someone's trying to tell me something.
