Friday, November 11, 2011

"No one can be un-cheered with a balloon." (Winnie the Pooh)

CAPES [something empowering] Occasionally, there are no words, and that's okay. Sometimes life calls for a wordless chorus.

"Relationships can be..."
"...but they're also be..."
"That's right."
(George Clooney to Brad Pitt in Ocean's 13)

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] A while back, my good friend came up with the idea to velcro a tube of chapstick to her bed frame. That way, when dry lips came a-knocking in the middle of the night, she was ready. I think I'll use this idea in other places too - like my car (somehow, I always lose tubes of chapstick in my car).

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] For those of you in a long-distance relationship...a Scottish designer has the remedy for your heartache.


  1. Better to lose the ChapStick in the car than send it thru the laundry like Scott does. Waxy grease spots everywhere...

    As for the pillows, what about one where you can hear your lover snore or be hit with lover drool?

  2. Yay! I made it! I feel like I should be able to collect royalties on the idea. :)
