Monday, June 25, 2012

Something WA and OR can agree on...

CAPES [something empowering] Dating advice from a grandmother: watch their actions, not just their words.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction]  Here's a list of TV shows that I've conveniently been exposed to while spinning on my Rodriguez in the garage: Dexter, Downton Abbey, and Revenge.  The [supposedly] nice thing about summer is my transition from indoor to outdoor cycling.  The not-so-nice thing about summer is that I have no shows to watch when it is not-so-nice outside.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy]  Before heading south for the California state line, I'm going to try heading east to Chelan.  Operation "summer" here I come. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"you complete me" = biggest turn-off. ever.

CAPES [something empowering] Tonight, I watched Jerry Maguire.  And no I did not cry over the whole "you complete me" line.  That line is crap.  You don't want to date someone that thinks they are made "complete" only by you.  Gross.  Ick.  Date someone that has a backbone, please.    

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction]  Cold pasta deliciousness: orzo, lots of basil, yellow+red+orange pepper, light champagne dressing, and fresh mozzarella cheese.  At least it tastes like summer (though it doesn't feel like summer). 

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] However, I did cry when Ron Tidwell dances in the endzone.  Football-happy-ending-stories get me.  
All the time, every time.  

Friday, June 1, 2012

rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb

CAPES [something empowering] Jesus said: "Love your enemies."  The extent you treat those who differ politically from you as enemies is the extent that you reveal your atheism.* 

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] I haven't even tried it yet, but I know it's going to be a weekly favorite the entire month of June...Cupcake Royale introduces their Rhubarb Crisp Cupcake starting today.  My oh my. 

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy]  Speaking of rhubarb...I was at Lottie's the other night in Columbia City and had their homemade rhubarb sorbet.  The taste was incredible confirmation of why I need to eat this delicious celery-vegetable more often. 

*I've had this quote saved forever...but I don't remember where I found it.  M.K., is this you?