CAPES [something empowering] For some reason I find a lot of hope in the fact that it takes more time and attention to put yourself together than it does to fly off the handle. Today, I will assemble a few pieces instead of reinforcing the brokenness.
COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] I can't get enough of Arizona's Arnold Palmer Lite. And don't let the "lite" fool doesn't have the gross fake sugars (with the nasty after-taste), the wonderful liquid simply has less sugar.
THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] 10 weeks of class and 73 days until graduation. Go.
CAPES [something empowering] Love means nothing if there's no follow through. Show it, don't just say it.
COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] The evolution of smooth - the best lip balm ever.
THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] I just got my bike back from a much-needed tune-up. Now I'm ready to be put behind bars. Commuting, Hwy2, and RedSpoke, here I come!