Friday, April 29, 2011

Isn't it wonderful what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit. (Don James)

CAPES [something empowering] If you're not ready to physically throw someone under a bus, than you have no business talking about them behind their back. This is a lesson I need to learn and re-learn every day.

COFFEE [latest trend or addiction] Using cheap conditioner instead of shaving cream saves you I think it works better.

THE COLOR ORANGE [something noteworthy] I've already started dreaming about husky football games. And yes, in my dreams, we win every game. Here's hoping that the glory years of the Don James era returns in 2011.


  1. Annie, this post made me so happy, mostly because Don James is awesome forever. I grew up hearing all about Jim Owens, but my dad loved and respected Don James like no one else.

  2. The $4 bar of Kiss My Face soap from PCC is the best shaving cream I've ever used. Also works as soap. :)
